Friday, April 27, 2007

Captain Phil's Corner

This is Phil, captain for the Cyclone soccer game on 4/21/07 vs Wantagh-Seaford. You guys all did amazing. Jamie was in goal the entire game, but she made amazing saves, and she stayed in there and we tied!
Alexa sprinted the whole game and played amazing offense. I think we have found Anna L's new position! It was amazing when she scored! It was so close to being a corner kick. Dana, Ariel, Ravid and Anna N were all amazing on Defense! I thought we should have won because we played so well! Maureen, Lisa R & Sabrina were on midfield and did really well also. Marissa, Rachel and the Jordster did really,very well. We all played amazing and we would not have done it without everyone. I was very proud to be captain of this game.

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